Source code for src.models._al_zscf

This is still provisional code. Just testing an idea.

import numpy as np
from sklearn.base import ClassifierMixin, BaseEstimator, clone
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
from transformers import pipeline
import logging

log_fmt = '%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s'
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format=log_fmt)

def _entropy_selection(probabs, leftover_ids, increment):
    e = (-probabs * np.log2(probabs)).sum(axis=1)
    new_ids = leftover_ids[np.argsort(e)[::-1][:increment]]
    return new_ids

def _margin_sampling_selection(probabs, leftover_ids, increment):
    Selecting samples as a smallest difference of probability values
    between the first and second most likely classes
    probs_sorted = np.sort(probabs, axis=1)[:, ::-1]
    values = probs_sorted[:, 0] - probs_sorted[:, 1]
    new_ids = leftover_ids[np.argsort(values)[:increment]]
    return new_ids

def _random_selection(leftover_ids, increment, rng):
    Random sample selection. Random State object is required.
    new_ids = rng.choice(leftover_ids, increment, replace=False)
    return new_ids

def data_selection(probabs, leftover_ids, increment, rng, selection_strategy):
    if selection_strategy == 'entropy':
        return _entropy_selection(probabs, leftover_ids, increment)
    elif selection_strategy == 'margin sampling':
        return _margin_sampling_selection(probabs, leftover_ids, increment)
    elif selection_strategy == 'random':
        return _random_selection(leftover_ids, increment, rng)
        msg = f"Selection strategy {selection_strategy} is \
        not implemented. Possible values are \
        ['entropy', 'margin sampling', 'random']."
        raise ValueError(msg)

[docs]class ALZeroShotWrapper(ClassifierMixin, BaseEstimator): """Active Learning with Zero-Shot classification"""
[docs] def __init__( self, classifier, max_iter=1000, selection_strategy='entropy', n_initial=100, increment=50, save_classifiers=False, auto_load=True, evaluation_metric=None, random_state=None, verbose=None ): """ Performs Active Learning using Zero Shot classification for obtaining a pseudo-ground truth. This method attempts to fit to the ZSCF's predictions and emulate its behavior in a more simplistic way. This might be a good alternative for situations where the computational power is limited. Parameters ---------- classifier : sklearn obj or similar Classifier to be trained. max_iter : int, default=1000 Maximum number of iterations selection_strategy : str, default='entropy' Strategy used to compute uncertainty. Can be either one of 'entropy', 'margin sampling' or 'random'. n_initial : int, default=100 Number of initial training points. increment : int, default=50 Number of additional instances per iteration. save_classifiers : bool, default=False If True, creates a list of classifiers (one per iteration) in the attribute `self.classifiers_`. auto_load : bool, default=True Wether to use the best found classifier as default classification method. If True, the trained classifier object is found at `self.classifier_`. evaluation_metric : function or NoneType, default=None Evaluation metric used to evaluate the classification outputs on each iteration. If `None`, Overall Accuracy is used. random_state : int or RandomState, default=None Control the random number generator used. Setting a value to this parameter should allow the experiment to become reproducible. verbose : int, bool or NoneType, default=None Controls the verbosity during the training process. """ self.classifier = classifier self.max_iter = max_iter self.selection_strategy = selection_strategy self.n_initial = n_initial self.increment = increment self.random_state = random_state # For finding the optimal classifier purposes self.auto_load = auto_load self.save_classifiers = save_classifiers self.evaluation_metric = evaluation_metric self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self._logger.propagate = verbose
def fit(self, X, sequences, candidate_labels):'Started fitting process. Setting up models.') if self.evaluation_metric is None: self.evaluation_metric_ = accuracy_score else: self.evaluation_metric_ = self.evaluation_metric if self.save_classifiers: self.classifiers_ = [] if self.auto_load: self.classifier_ = None iter_n = 0 rng = np.random.RandomState(self.random_state) selection = np.zeros(shape=(X.shape[0])).astype(bool) self.zscf = pipeline("zero-shot-classification") self.y = np.ones(X.shape[0]) * np.nan self.label_encoder = LabelEncoder().fit(candidate_labels) while iter_n < self.max_iter:'Iteration #{iter_n}') classifier = clone(self.classifier) # add new samples to dataset leftover_ids = np.argwhere(~selection).squeeze() ids = ( data_selection( probabs, leftover_ids, self.increment, rng, self.selection_strategy ) if iter_n != 0 else rng.choice(leftover_ids, self.n_initial, replace=False) ) selection[ids] = True # Assign ground truth labels based on zero-shot classification self.y[ids] = self.label_encoder.transform([ self.zscf(sequences[i], candidate_labels)['labels'][0] for i in ids ]) # train classifier and get probabilities X[selection], self.y[selection] ) # save classifier if self.save_classifiers: self.classifiers_.append((selection.sum(), classifier)) # Replace top classifier if self.auto_load: self.classifier_ = classifier # keep track of iter_n if self.max_iter is not None: iter_n += 1 # stop if all examples have been included if selection.all(): break probabs = classifier.predict_proba(X[~selection]) # some selection strategies don't deal well with 0. values probabs = np.where(probabs == 0., 1e-10, probabs) return self def load_best_classifier(self, X, y): scores = [] for _, classifier in self.classifiers_: y_pred = classifier.predict(X) scores.append(self.evaluation_metric_(y, y_pred)) self.classifier_ = self.classifiers_[np.argmax(scores)][-1] return self def predict(self, X): return self.classifier_.predict(X)