Source code for src.features._preprocess

Preprocessing functions to convert merged dataframe full text into text for NLP

import nltk'vader_lexicon')
import string
from googletrans import Translator
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
from preprocessor import api
from nltk.sentiment.vader import SentimentIntensityAnalyzer

[docs]def translate_tweet(text, lang): """ Translate a block of text (this function can be time consuming). Parameters ---------- text : str Text to be translated. lang : str Langauge of original text Returns ------- trans : str Text translated to English. """ trans = Translator() return trans.translate(text).text
[docs]def translate_func(x, text, lang): """ Function to use the .apply method on all rows of a dataframe to translate text. Performs better then itterrow. Parameters ---------- x : Series or dict Pandas DataFrame row. text : str Name of the key containing the text to be translated. lang : str Name of the key containing the language of the text. Returns ------- process : str Text translated into English. """ if x[lang] != 'en': process = translate_tweet(x[text], x[lang]) else: process = x[text] return process
[docs]def preprocessDataFrame(df): """ Function to run the preprocessing pipeline on all tweets to generate the feature "full_text_processed": Translating tweets to English, removing stopwords & lemmatization, removing URLs and reserved words, lowercasing & punctuation removal and VADER sentiment analysis. Parameters ---------- df : DataFrame Transformed DataFrame with original tweets Returns: df : DataFrame DataFrame with processed tweets """ df['full_text_processed'] = df.apply( lambda x: translate_func(x, 'full_text', 'lang'), axis=1 ) # for some reason some rows are type float so make sure nothing will crash df['full_text_processed'] = df['full_text_processed'].astype(str) api.set_options('urls', 'reserved_words') df['full_text_processed'] = df['full_text_processed'].apply( lambda x: api.clean(x) ) df['full_text_processed'] = df['full_text_processed'].apply( lambda x: x.lower() ) def remove_punct(text): table = str.maketrans('', '', string.punctuation) return text.translate(table) df['full_text_processed'] = df['full_text_processed'].apply( lambda x: remove_punct(x) ) lemmatizer = nltk.stem.WordNetLemmatizer() df['full_text_processed'] = df['full_text_processed'].apply( lambda x: ' '.join([lemmatizer.lemmatize(w) for w in x.split()]) ) stop_words = set(stopwords.words('english')) df['full_text_processed'] = df['full_text_processed'].apply( lambda x: ' '.join( [word for word in x.split() if word not in stop_words] ) ) sid = SentimentIntensityAnalyzer() def create_sentiment(x, text): return sid.polarity_scores(text)['compound'] # add sentiment as part of preprocessing df['sentiment'] = df.apply( lambda x: create_sentiment(x, x['full_text_processed']), axis=1 ) return df