Source code for

import pandas as pd

[docs]def query_es(client, body=None, index_query='*', scroll='2s'): """ Queries an Elastic Search database to get all the results of a query. Parameters ---------- client : elasticsearch.Elasticsearch body : dict or NoneType, default=None The search definition using the Query DSL. index_query : str, default='*' Search over indices matching passed index query. scroll : str, default='2s' Length of time to keep search context. Returns ------- df : DataFrame Pandas DataFrame with data matching the passed query. """ data = [] # iterate over the list of Elasticsearch indices indices = client.indices.get_alias(index_query) for index in indices: # make a search() request to get all docs in the index resp = index=index, body=body, scroll=scroll # length of time to keep search context ) data.extend(resp['hits']['hits']) # keep track of pass scroll _id old_scroll_id = resp['_scroll_id'] # use a 'while' iterator to loop over document 'hits' while len(resp['hits']['hits']): # make a request using the Scroll API resp = client.scroll( scroll_id=old_scroll_id, scroll=scroll ) data.extend(resp['hits']['hits']) # keep track of pass scroll _id old_scroll_id = resp['_scroll_id'] return pd.DataFrame([i['_source'] for i in data])