Commands ======== The Makefile script contains the central entry points for common tasks related to this project. =========== ========================== ========================================================= Topic `make` Command Description =========== ========================== ========================================================= Data pull ``data_pull`` Pull raw data from Twitter Database ``create_network`` Create Docker Network Database ``database`` Create and/or open local Elastic Search server Database ``close_database`` Close local Elastic Search server ETL ``etl`` Transform and load data into the Elastic Search server ETL ``load_es`` Load preprocessed data into an Elastic Search server Data Viz ``visualize`` Run user network visualization Utilities ``create_environment`` Set up python interpreter environment Utilities ``requirements`` Install Python dependencies Utilities ``test_environment`` Test Python environment is setup correctly Utilities ``lint`` Lint using flake8 Utilities ``clean`` Delete all compiled Python files =========== ========================== =========================================================